The mm_ki_6517 module

Module for Keithley 6517 picoammeter. Compatible with the multimeter module.


The support for this device is divided in two modules. The present one manages its picoammeter capabilities, while the second, cmd_ki_6517, manages its voltage source.


cmd_mm_ki_6517.init_mm_ki_6517(mm_ki_6517_id, conf_string)[source]

Initialize mm_ki_6517 power supply identified by mm_ki_6517_id

conf_string must include the parameter:

  • bus: conf_string of the underlying link module (GPIB, TCP, ...)
  • channel: channel on which the id will act

Deinitialize an mm_ki_6517


Configure an mm_ki_6517


Invalidate an mm_ki_6517


Send RST signal to PS

cmd_mm_ki_6517.get_dc_current_mm_ki_6517(mm_ki_6517_id, range='undef', resolution='undef')[source]

Get DC current in Ampers. The optional range can be: auto or a value in Ampers The optional resolution is either the number of power-line cycles that will be used to integrate, followed by PLC (e.g. 10PLC) or the number of seconds followed by s (e.g. 0.2s) MIN or MAX can be used for both parameters (for resolution, MAX means the highest resolution).


Get temperature in degrees Celsius.

cmd_mm_ki_6517.timed_acq_mm_ki_6517(mm_ki_6517_id, value_type, nb_measures, period, range='undef', resolution='undef')[source]

Make a timed acquisition every period seconds of nb_measures of value_type with range and resolution

cmd_mm_ki_6517.free_command_mm_ki_6517(mm_ki_6517_id, command)[source]

Send a raw command to the PS

cmd_mm_ki_6517.free_query_mm_ki_6517(mm_ki_6517_id, query)[source]

Send a raw query to the PS


Read error queue until the end (code 0)