API exchange mechanism¶
Pyrame provides an API exchange mechanism between modules in order to determine the existence of functions and list of their parameters on any module. The module_makefile Makefile provided on the root of Pyrame sources generates, at installation time a .api file for each Python module through the script gen_api.py. This file contains a list of the public functions of the module (as declared on the XML file), and their respective parameters.
Two Python modules are provided:
getapi eases the implementation of the standard getapi_MODULE(). This is a function that sends a serialized API back as return value. It can be implemented, like:
import getapi def init(): global api; api = getapi.load_api(submod.getmyfile()) def getapi_th_apt(): submod.setres(1,api)
The code is inside the init() function to prevent gen_api.py from trying to read the .api file while generating it (gen_api imports the module).
The serialized API is a semicolon-separated string with the prototypes of the public functions in the module. Each function must be composed of its name, a colon and list comma-separated arguments. For example
- The apipools module allows to keep a pool of APIs in memory and to parse the serialized API. The pool provides functions like: get_api (from the pool) and is_present (in the pool). See the its API below. A JavaScript implementation of apipools also exists.
apipools API¶
[source]¶ API pool
(module_name, str_api)[source]¶ Add API to pool from string. semicolons between functions; colon between function name and parameters; comma between parameters. Example:
(module_name, file_name)[source]¶ Add API to pool from file. newlines or semicolons between functions; colon between function name and parameters; comma between parameters. Example:
get_voltage_ps:ps_id,channel get_current_ps:ps_id,channel ...