The spiroc2d module

Module for Omega’s SPIROC 2D front-end readout chips.

CalXML parameter Function
spiroc2d_gtrigger set_gtrigger_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_allow_trig_chans allow_trig_chans_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_disallow_trig_chans disallow_trig_chans_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_enable_preamp_chans enable_preamp_chans_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_disable_preamp_chans disable_preamp_chans_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_enable_input_dac_chans enable_input_dac_chans_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_disable_input_dac_chans disable_input_dac_chans_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_bak_sca set_bak_sca_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_rst_column_delay set_rst_column_delay_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_tdc_ext set_tdc_ext_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_trigger_delay set_trigger_delay_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_valid_hold_delay set_valid_hold_delay_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_adc_ramp_slope set_adc_ramp_slope_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_auto_gain set_auto_gain_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_forced_gain set_forced_gain_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_dac2_gain_select set_dac2_gain_select_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_dac2 set_dac2_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_fs_gain set_fs_gain_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_lvds_notrig set_lvds_notrig_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_lvds_trigext set_lvds_trigext_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_lvds_valevt set_lvds_valevt_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_pp_dac2 set_pp_dac2_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_tdc_ramp_slope set_tdc_ramp_slope_spiroc2d
spiroc2d_tdc set_tdc_spiroc2d


cmd_spiroc2d.set_gtrigger_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

set the trigger threshold of a spiroc2d. value is 10-bit integer

cmd_spiroc2d.set_dac2_gain_select_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

set the trigger threshold of a spiroc2d. value is 10-bit integer

cmd_spiroc2d.set_chipid(spiroc2d_id, spiroc2d)[source]

set the chipid of a spiroc2d chip on its bitstream

cmd_spiroc2d.set_chipid_param_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chipid)[source]

set the chipid of a spiroc2d chip on the pool


get the chipid of a spiroc2d

cmd_spiroc2d.allow_trig_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans)[source]

allow trigger on channels. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.disallow_trig_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans)[source]

disallow trigger on channels. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.set_tdc_ext_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) flag_tdc_ext signal

cmd_spiroc2d.set_input_dac_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans, value)[source]

set input 8-bit DAC of channels. value is a 8-bit integer. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.enable_input_dac_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans)[source]

enable input DAC of channels. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.disable_input_dac_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans)[source]

disable input DAC of channels. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.set_hg_preamp_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans, value)[source]

set high gain (HG) of preamp of channels. value is a 6-bit integer. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.set_lg_preamp_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans, value)[source]

set high gain (HG) of preamp of channels. value is a 6-bit integer. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.enable_preamp_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans)[source]

enable preamp of channels. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.disable_preamp_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans)[source]

disable preamp of channels. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.set_bak_sca_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) backup SCA

cmd_spiroc2d.set_trigger_delay_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

set the delay for the trigger signals. value is a 6-bit integer

cmd_spiroc2d.set_discri_dac_chans_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, chans, value)[source]

set discriminator DAC threshold of channels. value is a 4-bit integer. chans is a list of channels

cmd_spiroc2d.set_valid_hold_delay_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

set the delay for the valid_hold signals. value is a 6-bit integer

cmd_spiroc2d.set_rst_column_delay_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

set the delay for the rst_column signals. value is a 6-bit integer

cmd_spiroc2d.set_adc_ramp_slope_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Set the ADC ramp slope of a spiroc2d

cmd_spiroc2d.set_tdc_ramp_slope_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Set the TDC ramp slope of a spiroc2d

cmd_spiroc2d.set_fs_gain_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Set the gain to the fast shaper to high or low

cmd_spiroc2d.set_dac2_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) dac2

cmd_spiroc2d.set_pp_dac2_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) dac2 power pulsing mode

cmd_spiroc2d.set_auto_gain_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) auto gain

cmd_spiroc2d.set_forced_gain_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Set the forced gain to high or low

cmd_spiroc2d.set_tdc_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) TDC

cmd_spiroc2d.set_lvds_notrig_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) LVDS receivers NoTrig

cmd_spiroc2d.set_lvds_valevt_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) LVDS receivers ValEvt

cmd_spiroc2d.set_lvds_trigext_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, value)[source]

Activate (ON or 1) or desactivate (OFF or 0) LVDS receivers TrigExt


Returns bitstream of spiroc2d_id in binary format

cmd_spiroc2d.set_missing_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, missing)[source]

Set spiroc2d missing state


Explains the content of a bitsteam in human readable form


Initialize a spiroc2d


Deinitialize spiroc2d_id

cmd_spiroc2d.config_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, file, bitstream, gtrigger, allow_trig_chans, disallow_trig_chans, enable_preamp_chans, disable_preamp_chans, enable_input_dac_chans, disable_input_dac_chans, bak_sca, rst_column_delay, tdc_ext, trigger_delay, valid_hold_delay, adc_ramp_slope, auto_gain, forced_gain, dac2_gain_select, dac2, fs_gain, lvds_notrig, lvds_trigext, lvds_valevt, pp_dac2, tdc_ramp_slope, tdc)[source]

prepare the bitstream for configuring a chip

cmd_spiroc2d.get_param_spiroc2d(spiroc2d_id, param_name)[source]

parameter extraction