The serial module

This is a bus module intended to communicate through serial devices such as RS-232 or USB ports.

See documentation of buses for details of its behavior.


cmd_serial.init_serial(serial_id, conf_string)[source]

Initialize a serial link.

conf_string must include either:

  • vendor and product: vendor and product id’s of a USB device


  • device: UNIX device name. e.g.: /dev/ttyUSB0

it can optionally include:

  • serialnum: serial number of the USB device.
  • baudrate: rate in bits per second
  • bytesize: byte size in bits
  • stopbits: number of stop bits (1, 1.5 or 2)
  • parity: parity (N, E, O, M or S for None, Even, Odd, Mark and Space)
  • timeout: default timeout in seconds for this link. Can be float.

Deinitialize serial link serial_id.


Configure serial link serial_id.


Invalidate configuration of serial link serial_id.

cmd_serial.write_serial(serial_id, data)[source]

Write data to serial link serial_id.

cmd_serial.write_bin_serial(serial_id, data)[source]

Write binary data to serial link serial_id. data is a string where each character represents 4 bits in hexadecimal base. Little endian for each group of 8 bits.

cmd_serial.read_serial(serial_id, bytes_to_read, timeout='undef')[source]

Read up to bytes_to_read bytes from serial link serial_id

cmd_serial.read_bin_serial(serial_id, bytes_to_read, timeout='undef')[source]

Read up to bytes_to_read bytes from serial link serial_id in binary format. The data read is encoded by blocks of 8 bits with two hexadecimal characters little endian.

cmd_serial.read_until_serial(serial_id, eot, timeout='undef')[source]

Read from serial link serial_id until a character from eot comma-separated list is found

cmd_serial.read_bin_until_serial(serial_id, eot, timeout='undef')[source]

Read from serial link serial_id until a character from eot comma-separated list is found. The data read is encoded by blocks of 8 bits with two hexadecimal characters little endian.

cmd_serial.wrnrd_serial(serial_id, data, bytes_to_read, timeout='undef')[source]

Write and read data to and from serial link serial_id

cmd_serial.wrnrd_bin_serial(serial_id, data, bytes_to_read, timeout='undef')[source]

Write and read binary data to and from serial link serial_id. data is a string where each character represents 4 bits in hexadecimal base. Little endian for each group of 8 bits.

cmd_serial.wrnrd_until_serial(serial_id, data, eot, timeout='undef')[source]

Write and read data to and from serial link serial_id until a character from comma-separated list eot is found

cmd_serial.wrnrd_bin_until_serial(serial_id, data, eot, timeout='undef')[source]

Write and read data to and from serial link serial_id until a character from comma-separated list eot is found. data is a string where each character represents 4 bits in hexadecimal base. Little endian for each group of 8 bits. Read data is return in the same format.

cmd_serial.expect_serial(serial_id, pattern, timeout='undef')[source]

Read data from serial link serial_id until pattern is found or timeout.