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La physique de l’infiniment grand l’infiniment petit

03/02/2025 : Status, Science, & AI enhanced Reconstruction at the CEPC

3 février 2025

par Manqi Ruan (IHEP) se déroulera le lundi 03 février 2025 à 14h00 dans la salle de conférence du LLR.

The electron-positron Higgs factory is regarded as the top priority future colliders, as it could use the Higgs boson – the heart of the SM – to probe many of the pressing and profound questions of our particle world and the evolution of the Universe. Multiple electron-positron Higgs factories are proposed, and have been promoted with intensive & collective Physics studies, Design innovations, and critical technologies R&D. The Circular Electron Positron Collider, proposed right after the Higgs discovery, has a designed circumference of 100 km. It is expected to deliver 4 Million Higgs bosons, 4 Tera Z bosons, Gigas of W bosons, and potentially o(1E6) of top quarks in roughly 2 decades of operation. This clean and large data set could boost our discovery power to the New Physics by one or multiple orders of magnitude compared to that of HL-LHC – from various observation windows. On the project’s maturity, the CEPC has delivered its TDR on the accelerator, multiple Physics White Papers, and is preparing for the TDR of the reference detector. In short, it is technically ready to be constructed.

The extremely rich physics program at the CEPC poses stringent requirements on the Detector performance, while the event reconstruction is a crucial pillar. Using Artificial Intelligence, we propose and realize a Trilogy for the event reconstruction at the electron-positron Higgs factory, especially towards the hadronic events. First, jet origin identification that distinguishes jets generated by 11 different kinds of colored particles ; second, one-on-one correspondence reconstruction that aims at efficiently reconstructing and identifying all the visible particles – it could be regarded as an endeavor towards confusion-free PFA algorithm ; and third, color singlet identification that aims at distinguish the color singlet origin of each reconstructed particles, for example, to identify from Z or Higgs boson a final state particle is generated at full hadronic Z events.
