Technical comments

Technical comments


We are not aware of an array-based way for extracting the particles from .slcio files. Thus, we will restrict ourselves to low events numbers, or overview level variables. More quantitative studies will follow in the ROOT BASED part.

Of course, this would not be an issue when directly working in C++.

Data source

The .slcio file is part of the MC2020 ILC-250GeV campaign of ILD. It can be found on the grid (VO-ILC) or on the DESY or KEK file systems. For this analyis, the specific file that is used here was also copied to the LLR servers/polui. This book was built on a polui machine. At other machines, it will be necessary to change the data folder.


The code in this part directly uses the (py-)LCIO framework. The LCIO library can be accessed in (python3) jupyter notebook through LCIO’s python bindings.

A procedure for setting up such a kernel on the polui jupyterhub is described later on.