Giacomo Ortona
Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet
Ecole polytechnique
91128 PALAISEAU, Paris, France
II floor, Aisle 3, Room 03-2011
gortona[AT] |
I got my Ph.D. and my M.Sc. at the
University of Turin working on Quark-Gluon-Plasma characterization. During my PhD I also
worked as associated member of
Currently I am working on Higgs physics. I participated in the Higgs discovery and worked on the study of the Higgs properties as a member of the
CMS collaboration.
Studying the H→ZZ→4l channel I participated at the Higgs discovery, on its properties measurement (spin, parity and mass) and on the measurement of its width via off-shell cross-section contributions.
Besides the H→ZZ→4l analysis I'm also participating in the Higgs to tau tau CMS analyses (both SM searches and BSM searches). I'm developing an analysis to measure the non-resonant double Higgs production at CMS via the h→hh→bb tau tau channel. The large luminosities available in the LHC Run II will allow to measure for the first time the trilinear SM Higgs coupling. This is an important parameter to constrain the existence of BSM physics, as it is strongly sensitive to the presence of any new massive term coupled with the Higgs.
I'm also working on the determination of the CMS lepton reconstruction efficiencies using the Tag and Probe technique.
My research group is actively involved in the CMS upgrade, leading the development of the HGCAL calorimeter.
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