Research Activities in ALICE
My main research interest as a member of the ALICE collaboration was on the study of the QGP using open-charm probes. I started to work on D mesons analysis for my master thesis, studying simulations of the elliptic flow of charmed particles produced in the Quark Gluon Plasma generated in Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies. Part of this work has been published on Phys Rev. C.
The work on elliptic flow in QGP continued with profesor Kodama at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (an article on this was submitted to Phys Rev. G).
My PhD thesis project was on D+ meson analysis at the LHC with ALICE. 
Data analysis in ALICE at the LHC
I followed the D+ meson analysis through their hadronic decay channel at the ALICE experiment inside the D2H working group. To do this I studied the D+ meson production cross section in proton-proton collision delivered by the LHC at the energies of √s=7 TeV and √s=2.76 TeV. With other D2H and ALICE collaborators we used These studies as baseline to perform the measurement of the D meson nuclear modification factor RAA in Pb-Pb collisions at √s(NN)=2.76 TeV order to estimate the energy loss of charm quarks in the medium. Futhermore, another indication on how charm propagate through the medium can be obtained from the D+ meson elliptic flow measurement, on which I'm also working at the moment.

I am currently member of 2 paper preparation groups inside the ALICE collaboration with the goal to present the results on D meson RAA and elliptic flow to JHEP and PRC journals. Further details on these analyses can be found following the PhD and Publications links

Silicon Drift Detector for ALICE 
I serve as expert-on-call for the ALICE-SDD detector. The SDD is part of the ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS) and contributes to the excellent ALICE tracking and vertexing capabilities. It can also provide charged particle identification at low momentum through particles energy loss inside the drift. The system is sensitive to very small changes in temperature, humidity and other experimental conditions. As expert on call I worked on  maintaining the system efficient and well calibrated, and I studied its performances over time.
Ellipic flow to characterize the QGP
The elliptic flow is an asymmetry in the final particle momentum distribution driven by spatial anisotropies in the primary collision. It is considered as one of the main signatures of the presence of QGP and its study can help to characterize some of the medium properties (such as EoS and initial conditions). Besides my work on charm elliptic flow at ALICE, I also worked on the introduction of flow in MonteCarlo generators (published in PRC) and on the possible presence of elliptic flow in high multiplicity proton-proton collisions. This latest work was prepared while visiting at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.