The amount of the fees are : for young physicist : 180€, for industrial partners : 500€ and for researchers : 320€
For other additional people, the social dinner cost 100€ .
The fee includes the social diner, the welcome drink, the coffee break and the proceedings.
You can register HERE . Choose your language and click on the correct registration field, ie, CHEF2013 :

The inscriptions will be done in 2 steps :
- First, a pre-inscription with professional information.
- Then, after validation by the local OC, a mail is sent to start final registration with payment.
For the young physicists, the reduced fees will be available only with justification (student card or PhD certificate) send to before the final registration.
WARNING, one email address can be used on ly for' one registration.
----------------- Participants and pre-registered -----------------
These two lists will be updated every Tuesday and Friday. | |
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Participants and pre-registered. | |