Computes and displays a pulsar's frequency ephemeris for a given pulsar and instant of time.
Known Issues: Some differences have been noted between output on Windows and
output on Linux. The values are not qualitatively far off, but
it is not yet known whether the differences are significant, or
indicate a problem in the code.
Usage: gtephem psrdbfile psrname reftime timeformat timesys
A single pulsar ephemerides database file in Fermi D4 FITS format.
psrdbfile [file name] |
Name of pulsar ephemerides database file, in Fermi (formerly GLAST) D4 FITS format. (See Pulsar Ephemeris Database File.) Multiple files may be combined by listing them in a text file, one per line, and supplying the list file name preceded by an @ sign. If psrdbfile is NONE, no ephemeris is loaded from a file. |
psrname = ANY [string] |
Name of the pulsar; used to select only ephemerides valid for a particular pulsar. |
reftime = 0. [string] |
Reference time for which an ephemeris will be selected, if any is available in the input file. The interpretation of this number is determined by the timeformat and timesys parameters. |
timeformat = MJD [enumerated string (MJD|FERMI|GLAST)] |
String describing the representation used for the reference time. |
timesys = TDB [enumerated string (TAI|TDB|TT|UTC)] |
String describing the time system used for the reference time. |
(strict = no) [bool] |
If strict is "yes", only spin ephemerides whose stated range of validity contains the epoch will be selected. If strict is "no", the ephemeris closest to the epoch will be selected, regardless of its stated range of validity. |
(solareph = JPL DE405) [enumerated string (JPL DE200|JPL DE405)] |
Solar system ephemeris used to select the ephemerides. This only has effect when the matchsolareph parameter is either ALL or PSRDB. |
(matchsolareph = ALL) [enumerated string (NONE|PSRDB|ALL)] |
String that controls whether to use the name of the solar system ephemeris given by the solareph parameter to select ephemerides in the pulsar database. If matchsolareph is ALL or PSRDB, the string given by the solareph parameter is used to select the ephemerides. If matchsolareph is NONE, no selection will be performed. |
(leapsecfile = DEFAULT) [file name] |
Name of the file containing the name of the leap second table, in OGIP-compliant leap second table format. If leapsecfile is the string DEFAULT, the default leap-second file (leapsec.fits), which is distributed with the extFiles package, will be used. |
(reportephstatus = yes) [bool] |
If reportephstatus is "yes", the application will examine the input pulsar ephemeris database, and report findings which may affect the requested ephemeris computations. If reportephstatus is "no", it will not report any ephemeris status. |
(chatter) |
This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). (default: 2) |
(clobber = yes) |
If true, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten. This is a hidden parameter. (default: yes) |
(debug = no) |
Activate debugging mode. (default: no)
When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits.
When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. |
(gui = no) |
If "yes", the graphical user Interface (GUI) mode is activated.
(default: no) |
(mode = ql) |
Mode of automatic parameters. (default: ql) |