Calculates integrated livetime as a function of sky position and off-axis angle.
Using the spacecraft data file and the time range and GTI selections in the event file, this tool integrates the livetime as a function of sky position and off-axis angle. The sky is represented using a nested HEALPix array.
Usage: gtltcube evfile scfile outfile dcostheta binsz
General Parameters
evfile [file] |
Event data file.
If several events files have to be input (event files which cover different time intervals), an ASCII file with a complete list should be entered here with an "@" sign before the name. For example, if the name of that ASCII file is "event_files", enter this parameter as: evfile=@event_files. |
(evtable = EVENTS) [string] |
Event table extension name. This is a hidden parameter. (default: EVENTS) |
scfile [file] |
Spacecraft data file.
Contains information such as the spacecraft pointing as a function of time. For simulated observations, this file can be generated by gtorbsim, and for real observations, it can be obtained from the SLAC Data Portal. |
(sctable = Ext1) [string] |
Spacecraft data extension. This is a hidden parameter. (default: SC_DATA) |
outfile [file] |
Output FITS file name. |
dcostheta = 0.025 [double] |
Inclination angle binning represented as the cosine of the off-axis angle. |
binsz = 1 [double] |
Pixel size of the desired spatial grid in degrees. |
(phibins = 0) |
Number of phi bins. This is a hidden parameter. |
(tmin = 0) [double] |
Minimum time (MET s).
MET (Mission Elapsed Time) is the number of seconds since midnight (00:00:00) January 01, 2001 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This will have at least 7 digits. For example, see: Fermi Technical Handbook.
- The parameter is ignored if both tmin==0 and tmax==0.
- This is a hidden parameter. (default: 0)
- If tmin is less than the TSTART time in the event file, the minimum value taken is the TSTART time of the event file.
- If the range between tmin and tmax is outside the time range of the event file, gtltcube will use as tmin, the TSTART time of the event file; and as tmax, the TSTOP time of the event file.
- To see the filters applied in the time range, set the chatter parameter to: "chatter = 4".
(tmax = 0) [double] |
Maximum time (MET s).
- This parameter is ignored if both tmin==0 and tmax==0.
- This is a hidden parameter. (default: 0)
- If tmax is larger than the STOP time in the event file, the maximum value taken is the STOP time of the event file.
- If the range between tmin and tmax is outside the time range of the event file, gtltcube will use as tmin, the TSTART time of the event file; and as tmax, the TSTOP time of the event file.
- To see the filters applied in the time range, set the chatter parameter
"chatter = 4".
(file_version = 1) [string] |
Version of output file.
Sets the value of the VERSION keyword in the primary header of the output file. |
(zmax = 180)[double] |
Maximum zenith angle.
The maximum zenith angle over which the livetimes are integrated. This zenith angle selection pertains to true source locations on the sky. Therefore this cut is not equivalent to applying a maximum zenith angle cut in gtselect, since in the latter case the cut is made on measured photon directions. Non-default zenith angle selection should not be used for standard analyses. |
(chatter = 2) |
This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). (default: 2) |
(clobber = yes) |
If true, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten. |
(debug = no) |
Activate debugging mode. (default: no)
When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that
displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top-level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. |
(gui = no) |
If the parameter specified is "yes", the Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode is activated. This is a hidden parameter. (default: no) |
(mode = ql) |
Mode of automatic parameters. This is a hidden parameter. (default: ql) |
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 04/05/2011 |