Glast Software Installer
Archived CMT Version — For the new SCons Installer, see Windows Desktop Installation: ScienceTools.
Notice: The GLAST code has not been released to the public and is for use by members of the LAT Collaboration only! |
Refer to Prerequisites: Basic and be sure that you have met all of the prerequisites
that pertain to your site before proceeding.
You need to have Java installed prior to using the installer. If you are a VRVS user you should already have Java installed; if not, you can download Java from; javaws must be in your path if using the GLAST Software Installer GUI.
Note: If you are a Linux user and prefer using a command line installer instead of a GUI, see Linux Command Line Installer.
Using the Installer
Note: Be sure to set up your directories (e.g., c:\glast\extlib, c:\glast\yourWorkDirectory)
before initiating the installation.
- To launch the installer, click on:
Launch Installer Now!
Troubleshooting Tips:
- If the Installer fails to open, check that you have javaws (typically located in /usr/java/bin/java).
- If you experience problems when running Linux, SUSE version (e.g., installer download starts, but does not end), try creating a "gtar" symbolic link and see if that fixes the problem.
Note: The GLAST Installer currently requires that gtar be on your path. On redhat, "gtar" is typically a shortcut to tar; however, it may not be on SUSE.
- When a GUI similar to the following is displayed, click on the Next button.

- From the dropdown menu, select the package you wish to install.
- Select the tag, then click on the Next button.
Note: Tag shown is for Windows install.
Linux users would have the option to select rh9_gcc32 or rh9_gcc32opt.
Linux users be aware that optimized builds (e.g., rh9_gcc32opt) are only available for version releases, but not for HEAD or LATEST builds.
- Specify your Destination folder and your External packages folder, then click on the Next button.

Note: Paths shown are to Windows directories; Linux directories will be displayed when installing on a Linux machine.
- Select or deselect Glast Files as desired, then click on the Next button.
Note: It is recommended that new users select all packages.

- Select or deselect External Files as desired, then click on the Next button.
Note: It is recommended that new users select all External Files.

- Click on the Install button.
The Installation progress GUI will be displayed.

- When the install is complete, click on the Finish button.

- Verify that the files have been installed and unpacked in the intended directories.
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
04/11/2011 |