Windows Desktop Installation: ScienceTools
This section is for downloading and installing GLAST Binary Distribution packages on a
Windows machine.
These packages include all files necessary to process and analyze LAT
FITS data products independent of the public installations.
Notice: The GLAST code has not been released to the public and is for use by members of the LAT Collaboration only! |
Note: If you wish to make any changes to code, please go to the rednavbar section of the workbook and see Installing GLAST S/W. Then click on: Developers --> Windows Machine.
You need to have Java installed prior to using the installer. If you are a VRVS user you should already have Java installed; if not, you can download Java from:
Directory Structure
Create a special directory for GLAST work. This new directory, named
"glast" in this example, can then be used to contain subdirectories such as:
Subdirectory |
Contains |
Source code packages downloaded via CVS from the GLASTOffline CVS repository. |
External libraries. |
1. Set External Environment for: GLAST_EXT
Create a path for the GLAST_EXT environment variable and point it at your extlib directory.
Additions and changes to environment variables are made from the Environment Variables graphical user interface (GUI).
(See Set Environment Variables (Windows): Science Tools Part 1.)
2. Install GLAST Software and External Libraries
Note: Be sure to set up your directories (e.g., c:\glastSciTools\extlib and c:\glastSciTools\packages) before initiating the installation.
- To launch the installer, click on:
Launch Installer Now!
- When a GUI similar to the following is displayed, click on the Next button.

- From the dropdown menu, select the package, version, and tag you wish to install.
<05/22/2008staller_02a.jpg" width="272" height="74" /> |
For Service Challenge 1, you must use v7r6p1, or higher.
Select the tag (VC8, or VC8debug), then click on the Next button.
Note: Based on unit test results of the Release Manager for Windows and Linux (gcc32), computation intensive tasks run 30-50% faster with optimized (i.e., VC8) builds.
- Specify your Destination folder and your External packages folder, then click on the Next button.

Note: Paths shown are to Windows directories; Linux directories will be displayed when installing on a Linux machine.
- Select or deselect Glast Files as desired, then click on the Next button.
Note: It is recommended that new users select all packages. If you already have the correct external libraries installed, the installer automatically deselects them.

- Click on the Install button.
The Installation progress GUI will be displayed.

- When the install is complete, click on the Finish button.
- Verify that the files have been installed and unpacked in the intended directories.
3. Set External Environment for: bin and PFILES
Once the installer is completed, you will have a number of subdirectories installed in your instDir directory. One of those subdirectories is called bin, which contains wrapper scripts used to run the applications available within the binary distribution. In addition, the science tools require an environment variable for PFILES which tells the tools where to look for the parameter files that they read. A value of '.' indicates that the current working directory is to be searched first. If you prefer to have you parameter files written to a specific directory, you can set PFILES to be the path to that directory.
Edit your PATH to point at the bin directory and create new environment variable for PFILES. (See Set Environment Variables (Windows): Science Tools, Part 2.)
4. Running Science Tools on a Windows Machine
- On windows machines, science tools are run from the DOS command prompt window. To launch this window, click on:
Start --> Programs -- Accessories -- Command Prompt
Tip: To create a shortcut and place it on your desktop, right click on Command Prompt, select Create Shortcut, then scroll down and right click on (and hold tthe mouse button down) Command Prompt (2) while dragging it to your desktop; then release the mouse button and click on Move Here.

A Command Prompt window will open:
- You are now ready to run the science tools. Refer to the Science Tools section (blue navigation bar) of the workbook at:
Also See
DC2 Code Releases
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
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