Cyber Security Basics - Mandatory Training
If you have a SLAC computing account, including Windows, Linux/Unix/Solaris or VMS account used to access SLAC information resources, you are required to take a computer security awareness course yearly. If this requirement is not met, your SLAC account(s) will be disabled and you will no longer be able to login or to access data.
System Requirements: Java is required to access the SkillSoft training portal. From inside the SLAC network, Java is available on the SLAC Xweb. From outside of SLAC you can download Java directly from Sun. (Note: If you're using EVO, Java is already installed on your machine.)
- Allow popups from in your browser.
Note: Problems recording the grades have been experienced when using v3 of Firefox or Safari (Mac and PC); it is therefore strongly recommended that you use:
- Internet Explorer on Windows
- Safari on Macs
- Firefox on Linux
If you experience problems, please report them to, and we'll update this page as appropriate.
- Recommended - You should be able to access this course directly (assuming that you have Adobe Flash Player installed) by going to Cyber Security Basics - CS200; here, you can use your regular SLAC Unix login and password. (Note that, once you get to the course, there is a link on the first page labelled "QUIZ" which will let you take the test without following the whole course. You need to get 3 out of 4 questions right, but experienced users should have little trouble.) Once you have successfully completed the quiz, there will be a button to "Email Results" to alert the system that you have completed this requirement. Clicking the button will open your email program, and you will include your SLAC system ID in the subject line. See below if you do not know your SLAC system ID.
Alternatively, you can also login to SkillSoft through the SLAC Training portal using your SLAC System ID number and password. (Note: The SkillSoft password is separate from your SLAC passwords.)
To find your SLAC System ID number:
- Go to the SLAC Directory and do a search for your name. Your System ID number is listed in the lower left.
Note: Also make note of your email address that is listed on this page; it is the address that your password will be mailed to if you have to request a new password. (There is a possible Catch-22: If your SLAC password has expired, you probably will not be able to access your SLAC email, in which case you should exercise the human option listed below.)
To request a new SkillSoft password:
- It is recommended that you click on the 'Forgot your SkillSoft password?' link, then enter your SLAC ID number; you should receive a new password almost immediately.
Note: Your password will be mailed to the email address listed on your page in the SLAC Directory.
Note: If you have ever changed the password from the default assigned originally (i.e., when you first used SkillSoft), or if you have ever requested a computer-generated password by clicking on 'Forgot your SkillSoft password?', you will need to explain that in the body of this email; otherwise, you will simply be provided with the original default password, which has since been superseded.
For more information, see Training - SkillSoft FAQ.
Click on the 'Cyber Security Basics' course, then:
- Click on the Play button.
- The Computer Security Awareness 200 course "splash" page will be displayed in a popup window.
- Click on the Quiz button if you wish to immediately take the quiz.
To check your results:
If you wish to check the status of your training, click on the My Report link in upper left corner of the Skillsoft web portal home page.
To the right of the course title you should see an icon that looks like this: 
NOTE: if you access and take the course using your Unix account and password (the recommended approach above), then you must email your test results to, including adding your SLAC System ID # in the subject line of the email. This final email step is not needed if you access and take the course through SkillSoft.
Last updated by: Heather Kelly
05/02/2012 |