prompt> gtpsearch This is gtpsearch version v10r5 Event data file name[] my_pulsar_events_v3.fits Spacecraft data file name[] my_pulsar_spacecraft_data_v3r1.fits Pulsar ephemerides database file name[] master_pulsardb_v3.fits Pulsar name[ANY] PSR B0540-69 Output FITS file name (NONE for no FITS output)[] gtpsearch-example-2.fits Type of statistical test to perform (CHI2 - Chi squared, RAYLEIGH - Rayleigh testt, Z2N - Z2n test, H - H test) (CHI2|RAYLEIGH|Z2N|H) [CHI2] Chi2 Number of phase bins for Chi2 test[10] 10 Size of steps for trials, in units of the Fourier resolution (0.:) [0.5] 0.5 Number of trials[100] 100 How will the time origin of the periodicity test be specified? (START|STOP|MIDDLEE|USER) [MIDDLE] MIDDLE How will spin ephemeris be specified? (DB|FREQ|PER) [DB] FREQ Epoch for the spin ephemeris[0.] 54368.11094817 Time format for spin ephemeris epoch (FILE|MJD|ISO|GLAST) [FILE] MJD Time system for spin ephemeris epoch (FILE|TAI|TDB|TT|UTC) [FILE] TDB Right Ascension to be used for barycenter corrections (degrees)[0.] 85.0482 Declination to be used for barycenter corrections (degrees)[0.] -69.3319 Pulse frequency at the epoch of the spin ephemeris (Hz) (0.:) [1.] 19.8340168836 6839422996 First time derivative of the pulse frequency at the epoch of the spin ephemeris ((Hz/s)[0.] -1.8869945816704768775044e-10 Second time derivative of the pulse frequency at the epoch of the spin ephemeris (Hz/s/s)[0.] 0.0 Search Type: Folding Analysis Fourier Resolution: 1.32472e-05 Hz Sampling Frequency: 6.62362e-06 Hz Type of test: Chi-squared Test, 10 phase bins Probability distribution: Chi-squared, 9 degrees of freedom Search Range (Hz): [19.833686383814, 19.8343421223654] Number of Trial Frequencies: 100 Number of Independent Trials: 50 Maximum Statistic: 593.279468705583 at 19.8340175649006 Hz Chance Probability Range: (0, 1.01878523451527e-97) Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class st_graph::IFrame is available prompt>