ObsSim GUI

This tool drives the gtobssim application and provides a convenient means of navigating the various libraries of sources available for simulation by GLEAM or gtobssim.

Launching the GUI

From the shell command line:

noric13[jchiang] ObsSim

From Python:

>>> from ObsSim import ObsSim
>>> ObsSim()


  • At startup, if there is a file called xmlFiles.txt in the current working directory, the GUI will read in the xml files listed in that text file. Otherwise, it will read the default xml files used by gtobssim.
If an xml file contains more than one "source_library", a separate entry for each will appear in the Source Libraries list box; the file name is prepended to the source library name.

    Clicking on any entry in the Source Libraries window causes the sources it contains to be displayed in the list box directly below it.
    Double-clicking on any source in the list box causes it to appear in the Model Sources list box. Sources may be selected or un-selected by single-clicking.
  • Various editing options are available via pull-down menus located directly above each of the list boxes.
  • For example, to copy all of the selected source names to the Model Souces list box, choose the Add selected pull-down menu item:

    • The menu item Run->gtobssim... will write the current list of xml files to xmlFiles.txt in the local directory and will write the list of source names to a file called source_names.txt, clobbering any existing files having those file names.

    It will also create a dialog box presenting the gtobssim parameter values to be used for the simulation:


    To launch the simulation, click OK.

    Other Features:

    • Printing xml definitions: The Print xml menu item will cause descriptions of the sources selected in the Candidate Sources list box to be written to the terminal from which the GUI was launched.
    • ds9 menu: The ds9 pull-down menu allows one to display the events in an FT1 file, binned in RA and Dec using ds9. Display of primary HDU images is also available.
    • Adding Libraries: New xml files can be read in via the pull-down menu items


      Source Libraries -> Open...

    • Deleting libraries To remove Source Library files from the list, select any entry, click on the Source Libraries pull-down menu located above the list box, and choose the Delete selected item. The selected entry and all other source_library entries contained in the same xml file will be deleted. This option also clears the Model Sources list box.


    • This browser shows all sources, including non-gamma ray sources such as muons. Events from these sources will be treated as gamma-rays by gtobssim. At present, there is no way of differentiating which sources are gamma-ray sources from those that are not.
    • The xml files read into the Source Libraries list box cannot collectively have more than one source with the same name. The GUI does not check for this, and if two sources of the same name appear, the flux package will throw an exception when it tries to parse the xml files.

    Related FTOOLS

    Owned by: Jim Chiang

    Generated on: Wed Apr 6 07:51:54 2005

    Last updated by: J. Chiang 04/14/2006