class srcList: #arguments are: #sources (string, filename of LAT source list fits file in catalog format) #ft1 (string, filename of event file for which the xml will be used, only used to extract ROI info) #out (string, name of output xml file, defaults to mymodel.xml) def __init__(self,sources,ft1,out='mymodel.xml'): if not fileCheck(sources): #check that file exists print "Error: %s not found." %sources return if fileCheck(out): print 'Warning: %s already exists, file will be overwritten if you proceed with makeModel.' %out self.srcs=sources self.out=out self.roi=getPos(ft1) #define a quick print function to make sure everything looks irght def Print(self): print 'Source list file: ',self.srcs print 'Output file name: ',self.out print 'Selecting %s degrees around (ra,dec)=(%s,%s)' %(self.roi[2],self.ra,self.dec) #make the xml file GDfile is galactic diffuse model and ISOfile is optional Isotropic template file def makeModel(self,GDfile='$(GLAST_EXT)/extFiles/v0r9/galdiffuse/',GDname='GAL_v02',ISOfile='null',ISOname='Extragalactic Diffuse',model=1): #the version number may differ, but default syntax from ModelEditor didn't work if model!=1 and model!=2: print 'Incorrect specification for parameter "model", must be 1 for PowerLaw or 2 for PowerLaw2.' print 'Using default value of 1.' model=1 print 'Creating file and adding sources' addSrcs(self,GDfile,GDname,ISOfile,ISOname,model) import pyfits import os from xml.dom.minidom import parseString as pS from numpy import floor,log10,cos,sin,arccos,pi acos=arccos #import ROOT #note that this is only done to turn tab completion on for functions and filenames print "This is make1FGLxml version 03." d2r=pi/180. #function to cycle through the source list and add point source entries def addSrcs(sL,GD,GDn,ISO,ISOn,Mod): model=open(sL.out,'w') #open file in write mode, overwrites other files of same name #open source list file and access necessary fields, requires LAT source catalog definitions and names data=file[1].data try: name=data.field('Source_Name') except: name=data.field('NickName') ra=data.field('RA') dec=data.field('DEC') if Mod==1: flux=data.field('Flux_Density') pivot=data.field('Pivot_Energy') else: flux=data.field('Flux1000') index=data.field('Spectral_Index') model.write('\n') model.write('\n') model.write('\n\n') step=(sL.roi[2]+5)/5 #divide ROI radius plus 5 degrees into 5 steps for ordering of sources, get next highest int for ease i=1 radii=[] while i<6: if i*step<=sL.roi[2]+5: radii+=[step*i] else: radii+=[sL.roi[2]+5] #just in case of rounding errors i+=1 if Mod==1: for x in radii: if x==sL.roi[2]+5.: model.write('\n\n' %(x-step,x)) else: model.write('\n\n' %(x-step,x)) for n,f,i,r,d,p in zip(name,flux,index,ra,dec,pivot): dist=angsep(sL.roi[0],sL.roi[1],r,d) #check that source is within ROI radius + 5 degress of ROI center if (dist=x-step) or (x==sL.roi[2]+5. and dist==x): fscale=int(floor(log10(f))) if n[0].isdigit(): Name='\n' %(n.split(' ')[0]+n.split(' ')[1]) else: Name='\n' %(n.split(' ')[0]+n.split(' ')[1]) spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\n' %dist if(dist>sL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i else: spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i spec+='\t\t\n' %p spec+='\t\n' skydir='\t\n' skydir+='\t\t\n' %r skydir+='\t\t\n' %d skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) ptsrc=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] ptsrc.writexml(model) model.write('\n') else: for x in radii: if x==sL.roi[2]+5.: model.write('\n\n' %(x-step,x)) else: model.write('\n\n' %(x-step,x)) for n,f,i,r,d in zip(name,flux,index,ra,dec): dist=angsep(sL.roi[0],sL.roi[1],r,d) #check that source is within ROI radius + 5 degress of ROI center if (dist=x-step) or (x==sL.roi[2]+5. and dist==x): val=f/1e-7 if n[0].isdigit(): Name='\n' %(n.split(' ')[0]+n.split(' ')[1]) else: Name='\n' %(n.split(' ')[0]+n.split(' ')[1]) spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\n' %dist if(dist>sL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' %val spec+='\t\t\n' %i else: spec+='\t\t\n' %val spec+='\t\t\n' %i spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' skydir='\t\n' skydir+='\t\t\n' %r skydir+='\t\t\n' %d skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) ptsrc=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] ptsrc.writexml(model) model.write('\n') file.close() #close files and return #add galactic diffuse with PL spectrum, fix index to zero for general use, those who want it to be free can unfreeze parameter manually model.write('\n\n') Name='\n\n' %GDn spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' skydir='\t\n' %GD skydir+='\t\t\n' skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) galdiff=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] galdiff.writexml(model) model.write('\n') if ISO=='null': #null means no file so assume user wants an isotropic power law component Name='\n' %ISOn spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' else: #if a file is given assume it is an isotropic template Name='\n' %ISOn spec='\t\n' %ISO spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' #both of the above options use the same spatial model skydir='\t\n' skydir+='\t\t\n' skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) iso=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] iso.writexml(model) model.write('\n') model.close() return #this function searches the header of the ft1 to find the Position keyword and extract the ra and dec values def getPos(ft1): num=file[1].header['NDSKEYS'] header=file[1].header right='POS(RA,DEC)' i=1 keynum=0 while i<=num: #this step is necessary since it is not clear that the POS key word will have the same number always word='DSTYP%i' %i test=file[1].header[word] if(test==right): keynum=i i=num i+=1 if(keynum==0): #DSKEYS start numbering at 1, if this value hasn't been updated, KEYword doesn't exist print 'Error: No position keyword found in fits header (assuming position is RA and DEC. Exiting...' exit() keyword='DSVAL%i' %keynum ra,dec,rad=header[keyword].strip('CIRCLE()').split(',') #gets rid of the circle and parenthesis part and splits around the comma file.close() return float(ra),float(dec),float(rad) #calculates the angular separation between two points on the sky def angsep(ra1,dec1,ra2,dec2): ra1*=d2r dec1*=d2r ra2*=d2r dec2*=d2r diffCosine=cos(dec1)*cos(dec2)*cos(ra1-ra2)+sin(dec1)*sin(dec2) dC='%.10f'%diffCosine#when the source is right at the center of the roi python sometimes adds extraneous digits at the end of the value i.e. instead of 1.0 #it returns 1.0000000000000024, which throws an error with the acos function return acos(float(dC))/d2r #returns values between 0 and pi radians #Check if a given file exists or not def fileCheck(file): if (not os.access(file,os.F_OK)): return 0 return 1