Creates a "Detector Response Matrix" (DRM or RSP) FITS file from the multi-dimensional response functions.
Usage: gtrspen respalg specfile scfile outfile irfs time thetacut dcostheta ebinalg emin emax enumbins denergy ebinfile
Additional files needed:
- A pointing history (FT2) file covering the time of the observation.
- A PHA file with the spectrum.
General Parameters
respalg [string: GRB|PS] |
The type of response computation to perform, currently either GRB or PS.
If set to GRB, the response will be computed for a single specific time supplied by the user, presumably the time of a gamma-ray burst.
If set to PS, the GTI in the input spectrum file will be used with the spacecraft data file to precompute exposure as a function of spacecraft inclination angle with respect to the true point source direction.
This differential exposure is then used to compute the effective total response to the given point source position. (default: GRB) |
specfile [file] |
Name of input spectrum file, in PHA1 format. Typically this file will have been created by the gtbin tool. |
outfile [file] |
Name of output response file, in the OGIP "RSP" (i.e., XSPEC compatible) format. |
scfile [file] |
Spacecraft data file. |
ra [double] |
Right Ascension (J2000) of the point source in decimal degrees. |
dec [double] |
Declination (J2000) of the point source, in degrees. |
psfradius [double] |
The upper limit of integration for the point spread function. This is effectively the radius in degrees of the selected region, which presently is required to be a circle centered on the true point source location. |
(irfs [string] |
The instrument response function that will be used. |
(resptpl = DEFAULT) [file] |
The full path to the template used to create the output file. This should not normally be changed. If DEFAULT is given, the rspgen application will use the standard template for LAT RSP files. This is a hidden parameter.
(default: DEFAULT) |
GRB Response Parameters
time = 0 [double] |
The time of the burst in Mission Elapsed Time (MET) seconds. |
Point Source Response Parameters
thetacut = 60 [double] |
The maximum angle cutoff for the differential exposure computation in degrees. |
dcostheta = 0.5 [double] |
The bin size to be used for the spacecraft pointing history (cos(theta)). |
Energy Binning Parameters
ebinalg = LOG [string: FILE|LIN|LOG] |
Indicates how the energy bins will be specified. Legal values
are: FILE (bins will be read from a bin definition file); LIN (linearly uniform bins); and LOG (logarithmically uniform bins).
This is only used if energy binning is required by the output type selected by the algorithm parameter. (default: LOG) |
(efield= ENERGY) [string] |
Name of the field containing the energy values for energy binning. This is a hidden parameter. Default value is consistent with the event LAT data file format. |
emin = 30 [double] |
Lowest energy of the first interval for linearly or logarithmically uniform bins in MeV. Only used if ebinalg is LIN or LOG. (default: 30 MeV) |
emax = 200000 [double] |
Highest energy of the last interval for linearly or logarithmically uniform bins in MeV. Only used if ebinalg is LIN or LOG. (default: 200000 MeV) |
enumbins = 100 [integer] |
Number of bins for logarithmically uniform bins. Only used if ebinalg is LOG. (default: 100) |
denergy = 50 [double] |
Width of linearly uniform bins in MeV. Only used if ebinalg is LIN.
(default: 50) |
ebinfile = NONE [file] |
Name of the energy bin definition file. Only used if ebinalg is FILE.
(default: NONE) |
Other Hidden Parameters
(chatter) |
This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0),
nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). (default: 2) |
(clobber = yes) |
If true, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten. (default: yes) |
(debug = no) |
Activate debugging mode. (default: no)
When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that
displays information about the exception and then exits.
When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead, the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. |
(gui = no) |
If "yes", the Graphical user Interface (GUI) mode is activated. (default: no) |
(mode = ql) |
Mode of automatic parameters. (default: ql) |
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
02/09/2011 |