prompt> gtpphase chatter=4
This is gtpphase version v8r3
Event data file name[] my_pulsar_events_v3.fits
Spacecraft data file name[] my_pulsar_spacecraft_data_v3r1.fits
Pulsar ephemerides database file name[] master_pulsardb_v3.fits
Pulsar name[ANY] PSR B0540-69
How will spin ephemeris be specified? (DB|FREQ|PER) [DB] DB
gtpphase: INFO: ==========================
gtpphase: INFO: Pulsar ephemerides are loaded and/or filtered as follows:
gtpphase: INFO:    Load FITSDB AUTHOR='Masaharu Hirayama' DATE='2006-03-24T15:40:16'
gtpphase: INFO:    Filter by pulsar name 'PSR B0540-69'
gtpphase: INFO:    Filter by solar system ephemeris 'JPL DE405'
gtpphase: INFO: ==========================
gtpphase: INFO: --------------------------
gtpphase: INFO: Arrival time corrections are applied as follows:
gtpphase: INFO:    Barycentric correction: Applied if necessary
gtpphase: INFO:    Binary demodulation: Not applied
gtpphase: INFO:    Pdot cancellation: Not applied
gtpphase: INFO: Following time system(s) are listed for this task:
gtpphase: INFO:    Spin ephemeri(de)s are defined in: TDB(2)
gtpphase: INFO:    Orbital ephemeri(de)s are defined in: None
gtpphase: INFO:    Pdot cancellation will be performed in: None
gtpphase: INFO:    Time series analysis will be performed in: TDB
gtpphase: INFO: --------------------------