
Also see:


Given a counts light curve prepared using gtbin for a specific location on the sky, this tool computes the exposure (cm2-s) associated with each time bin, allowing a light curve in photons/s to be computed.

If the light curve file contains DSS keywords from gtselect that describe an acceptance cone on the sky from which the events are extracted, this tool will perform an aperture correction, i.e., it will adjust the exposure as a function of energy to account for the tails of the psf that lie outside the acceptance cone.

In order to provide reasonably accurate flux estimates for broad energy bands, the exposure must be weighted by a function that approximates the spectral shape of the target source. This function may either be specified using an XML model definition such as those used with gtlike, or it can be given as a simple spectral index.

Usage: gtexposure infile scfile irfs srcmdl target specin ra dec rad apcorr emin emax enumbins

General Parameters

  infile [file]
    Input count-space light curve file produced using gtbin.
  scfile [file]
    FT2 (spacecraft data) file, which can be obtained from the SLAC Data Portal.
  irfs [string]
    Instrument response functions (e.g., P6_V3_DIFFUSE).
  srcmdl = none [string]
    XML file containing the Likelihood model for the target source.
  target [string]
    Name of the target source in the XML model file.
  specin = -2.1 [double]
    Photon spectral index to use for weighting the exposure as a function of energy. If srcmdl=none and target="", then this is used in lieu of the full Likelihood model.
  (ra = 0) [double]
    Right Ascension (degrees J2000) of the source (or extraction region). This is used only if infile lacks DSS keywords describing the acceptance cone.
  (dec = 0) [double]
    Declination (degrees J2000) of the source (or extraction region). Used only if infile lacks DSS keywords describing the acceptance cone.
  (rad = 180) [double]
    Radius (degrees) of the extraction region. This will used for the aperture correction.
  (apcorr = yes)
    Flag to apply aperture-correction. Users may wish to disable this to determine the full exposure as a function of time at a given location.
  (emin = 100)
    Minimum energy (MeV) over which to integrate the exposure. This is used only if infile lacks DSS keywords describing the energy range of the events.
  (emax = 2e5)
    Maximum energy (MeV) over which to integrate the exposure. This is used only if infile lacks DSS keywords describing the energy range of the events.
  (enumbins = 30)
    Number of energies, logrithmically-spaced, at which to evaluate the exposure for the weighted integral. 30 over 4.5 decades in energy should be sufficient for most spectral shapes.

Owned by: Jim Chiang
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 01/18/2011