Help: Browse Interface for GBM Tables
- Go the the HEASARC Browse page.

- Select Fermi as the mission and press the Detailed Mission/Catalog search" button.
A page similar to the following will be displayed.
Note: The red arrow points to the 'Select All (or None)' toggle. Also note that each catalog description (e.g., Fermi GBM Burst Catalog) is also a link to a description of the table.
- For example:
- If you click on the 'Fermi GBM Burst Catalog' link, a description of the catalog will be displayed (see Example: Description of the Fermi GBM Burst Catalog), then click on the 'Browse this table' link (in the top left corner of the page), a 'Parameter Search' page will be displayed.
- If you click on the 'Select All' (or None) toggle, then:
- select the Fermi GBM Burst Catalog;
- limit the results to, e.g., 20 rows; and
- click on the Submit Search button;
the following page will be displayed:

- Click on the the Query Results tab [or on the fermigbrst: Fermi GBM Burst Catalog link (see red arrow above)] to Browse the Query Results:
- Click on the Data Products Retrieval Tab:

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
05/06/2011 |