List of iLat Commands

Note: The following list of commands was copied from the iLat Help file on 11/07/2008:


General Utilities

convmet MET(s)
convdate date(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
merge ft1fileslist outft1file'
ft1root outtreefile.root
setwd workdirectory set the workirectory for the session.
home cd to your workdirectory
echo print a string on the screen (useful in iLat scripts)
quit exit iLat
py - exit Enter in python intepreter mode; exit to return to iLat
help show this list of commands
$+shell command execute shell command eg. $ls

ASP Utilities

listaspsix list all the available six_hours runs
listaspday list all the available daily runs
listaspweek list all the available weekly runs
getaspsix interval (e.g. 264) retrieves ASP products for a given six_hours run
getaspday interval (e.g. 64) retrieves ASP products for a given daily run
getaspweek interval (e.g. 9) retrieves ASP products for a given weekly run

Data Catalog/Astroserver Access

getastroft1 tmin(MET) tmax(MET) emin(MeV) emax(MeV) ra(deg) dec(deg) radius(deg) evtcl(0=transient,1=source,2=diffuse) outft1


  • getastroft1 245289600.0 245376000.0 100 300 128 -45 10 2 vela_test.fits

getastroft2 tmin(MET) tmax(MET) outft2


  • getastroft2 245289600.0 245376000.0 f2_vela.fits
setdcdir DataCatalogFolder
setdcdirs ft1DataCatalogFolder ft2DataCatalogFolder
getdcfile group tmin tmax (default: /Data/Flight/Level1/LPA)
getdcft2 group tmin tmax outfile (default: /Data/Flight/Level1/LPA)
getdcft1 group tmin tmax outfile (default: /Data/Flight/Level1/LPA)
getdcft tmin(MET or UTC) tmax(MET or UTC) outft1 outft2 (default: /Data/Flight/Level1/LPA)
subgetft tmin tmax evtclass outdir This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system: retrieve Ft1 and Ft2 files from the datacatalog
evtclass can be 1 (source) 2 (diffuse)
outdir is the directory where the files will be saved
(preliminary version)

General Functions Settings and Cuts

setft1 ft1file
setft2 ft2file
setzmax angle(deg)
setene emin(MeV) emax(MeV)
setevtcl class(1=source, 2=diffuse)
setconvtype val(-1=all; 0=front; 1=back)
setirfs irfs(string)
settime tmin tmax
expomap energy(eg.1e3) outfile (eg. exposure.fits)
ft1stat colname
ft2stat colname

Skymaps and ltcube

allskymap coordsys projection pixscale outevtfile outmapfil
cmap ra dec sizex(deg) sizey(deg) pxsize(deg)
setcmap mapfile
setltcube expcube

Sky Region Analysis

mktime cuts gtmktime wrapper
setroi ra dec radiussource_radius(>radius)

setextragalmodel extragalacticModel(template file) or PL (for default standard Powerlaw)

For example, see:
Please specify the full path of the file.

setgalmodel galacticModel or ST (for default model distributed with the Science tools
For example, see:
Please specify the full path of the file.

setxmlmodel xmlmodel
xmlmodel cmap_pix_size (eg. 0.5 deg)


  • Use setroi to define your region of interest; the xmlmodel is based on the sources detected by PGWave in the roi xmlmodel1 sourcename.
  • The model is based only on the source position given by the user (no PGWave run).
setroift1 regevtfile
getroift1 ra dec rad outfile
setfindsrc wavscale noverthreshpix signif_thresh
findsrc outfile.fits
setaplc rap rskyin rskyout ntimebins
aplc srcname ra dec
loopaplc srclist (ascii(at least:NAME,RA,DEC) or fits (colnames should be NAME,RAJ2000,DECJ2000))
expmap for unbinned like
diffmodel outfile.xml
diffuseadd difuse model columns to the ft1file
subdiffuse ft1file ft2file irfs outdir This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system: add diffuse coulums to the FT1 file
(preliminary version)
setulike region_evt.fits expCube.fits expMap.fits region.xml
ulike Full like analysis of a roi (you have to set ft1,ft2,roi
or use the setulike command)
*catulike outfile Use the catalog group script to perform unbinned likelihood;
use setulike before to digit this command.
sublike regionft1file ft2file irfs xmlmodel emin emax outdir This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system.
(preliminary version)
subroislike ft1file ft2file irfs emin emax roisfile outdir

This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system:
Multi rois like

Example of a roifile: $ILATROOT/data/rois.txt
(preliminary version )

sublikelc ft1file ft2file irfs emin emax lcroisfile outdir

This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system:
Multi rois light curves

Example of a lcroifile: $ILATROOT/data/lcrois.txt
(preliminary version)

setbliken emin emax nenebins Set energy interval for Binned Likelihood.
blike Binned likelihood.

Also see:


Owned by: Gino Tosti and Andre Tramacere
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 11/10/2008