List of iLat Commands
Note: The following list of commands was copied from the iLat Help file on 11/07/2008:
General Utilities
convmet MET(s) |
convdate date(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) |
merge ft1fileslist outft1file' |
ft1root outtreefile.root |
setwd workdirectory |
set the workirectory for the session. |
home |
cd to your workdirectory |
echo |
print a string on the screen (useful in iLat scripts) |
quit |
exit iLat |
py - exit |
Enter in python intepreter mode; exit to return to iLat |
help |
show this list of commands |
$+shell command |
execute shell command eg. $ls |
ASP Utilities
listaspsix |
list all the available six_hours runs |
listaspday |
list all the available daily runs |
listaspweek |
list all the available weekly runs |
getaspsix interval (e.g. 264) |
retrieves ASP products for a given six_hours run |
getaspday interval (e.g. 64) |
retrieves ASP products for a given daily run |
getaspweek interval (e.g. 9) |
retrieves ASP products for a given weekly run |
Data Catalog/Astroserver Access
getastroft1 tmin(MET) tmax(MET) emin(MeV) emax(MeV) ra(deg) dec(deg) radius(deg) evtcl(0=transient,1=source,2=diffuse) outft1
- getastroft1 245289600.0 245376000.0 100 300 128 -45 10 2 vela_test.fits
getastroft2 tmin(MET) tmax(MET) outft2
- getastroft2 245289600.0 245376000.0 f2_vela.fits
setdcdir DataCatalogFolder |
setdcdirs ft1DataCatalogFolder ft2DataCatalogFolder |
listdcdirs |
getdcfile group tmin tmax |
(default: /Data/Flight/Level1/LPA) |
getdcft2 group tmin tmax outfile |
(default: /Data/Flight/Level1/LPA) |
getdcft1 group tmin tmax outfile |
(default: /Data/Flight/Level1/LPA) |
getdcft tmin(MET or UTC) tmax(MET or UTC) outft1 outft2 |
(default: /Data/Flight/Level1/LPA) |
subgetft tmin tmax evtclass outdir |
This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system: retrieve Ft1 and Ft2 files from the datacatalog
evtclass can be 1 (source) 2 (diffuse)
outdir is the directory where the files will be saved
(preliminary version) |
General Functions Settings and Cuts
setft1 ft1file |
setft2 ft2file |
setzmax angle(deg) |
setene emin(MeV) emax(MeV) |
setevtcl class(1=source, 2=diffuse) |
setconvtype val(-1=all; 0=front; 1=back) |
setirfs irfs(string) |
settime tmin tmax |
expomap energy(eg.1e3) outfile (eg. exposure.fits) |
ft1stat colname |
ft2stat colname |
Skymaps and ltcube
allskymap coordsys projection pixscale outevtfile outmapfil |
cmap ra dec sizex(deg) sizey(deg) pxsize(deg) |
setcmap mapfile |
setltcube expcube |
ltcube |
Sky Region Analysis
setroift1 regevtfile |
getroift1 ra dec rad outfile |
setfindsrc wavscale noverthreshpix signif_thresh |
findsrc outfile.fits |
setaplc rap rskyin rskyout ntimebins |
aplc srcname ra dec |
loopaplc srclist |
(ascii(at least:NAME,RA,DEC) or fits (colnames should be NAME,RAJ2000,DECJ2000)) |
expmap |
for unbinned like |
diffmodel outfile.xml |
diffuseadd difuse model columns to the ft1file |
subdiffuse ft1file ft2file irfs outdir |
This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system: add diffuse coulums to the FT1 file
(preliminary version) |
setulike region_evt.fits expCube.fits expMap.fits region.xml |
ulike |
Full like analysis of a roi (you have to set ft1,ft2,roi
or use the setulike command) |
*catulike outfile |
Use the catalog group script to perform unbinned likelihood;
use setulike before to digit this command. |
sublike regionft1file ft2file irfs xmlmodel emin emax outdir |
This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system.
(preliminary version) |
subroislike ft1file ft2file irfs emin emax roisfile outdir |
This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system:
Multi rois like
Example of a roifile: $ILATROOT/data/rois.txt
(preliminary version ) |
sublikelc ft1file ft2file irfs emin emax lcroisfile outdir |
This command will run the task on the SLAC Batch system:
Multi rois light curves
Example of a lcroifile: $ILATROOT/data/lcrois.txt
(preliminary version) |
setbliken emin emax nenebins |
Set energy interval for Binned Likelihood. |
blike |
Binned likelihood. |
Also see:
Owned by: |
Gino Tosti and Andre Tramacere |
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
11/10/2008 |