Pass 01: Enter LAT GRB Parameters

Enter the GRBTRIGGERDATE (MET or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS [2008-08-03 18:31:23]243216766
Enter the TSTART with respect the trigget time (s) [-10]
Enter the TSTOP with respect the trigget time (s) [60]300
Enter the RA of the GRB (deg) [281.833]119.88
Enter the DEC of the GRB (deg) [81.55]-56.6
Enter the R.O.I. (deg) [15]
Enter the Minimum Energy (MeV) [10]100
Enter the Maximum Energy (MeV) [600000]100000
Enter the Number of Log bins [10]
Optional: FT1 file (or look in $INDIR):[]
Optional: FT2 file (or look in $INDIR):[]
Enter the Localization Error at 1-sigma (deg) [0.1]
Enter the Maximum Z Angle (deg) [105]

Note: If the "Optional: FT1 ... and FT1 ..." fields are left blank, gtgrb queries the astroserver for the FT1 and FT2 files and includes 1 day of data before and after the triggger time; these files will be placed in the DATA/FITS/LAT subdirectory.

Tip: These "Optional" fields provide a convenient method of creating a path to wherever you might prefer to place your data.