Running Application Executables
on SLAC Public Using a Shell Script
Refer to SLAC's Public Installation and make sure that:
- All basic prerequisites have been fulfilled.
- Your local environment is set up properly.
- You are logged in to SLAC and connected to a server that is running the
GLAST-supported operating systems and compilers.
- You have reviewed the knowledge prerequisites
Accessing SAS Code and Running the Executables
At SLAC Public, SAS code is currently compiled in "${BUILDS}". At this location, there are
two Linux build directories: rh9_gcc32 and rh9_gcc32opt. The code in the rh9_gcc32 directory
is compiled with debug symbols; hence, it runs slower than the optimized builds (in rh9_gcc32opt) compiled without debug symbols.
Inside each of these directories are the subdirectories for each top-level checkout package
(GlastRelease, ScienceTools, and EngineeringModel), and below each of these are subdirectories
for specific versions.
For example: ${BUILDS}/rh9_gcc32/GlastRelease/GlastRelease-v5r0p2/ is the unoptimized linux build for GlastRelease v5r0p2.
Note: Each application package in a checkout package (e.g., GLEAM, Em1, Em2, Likelihood
Analysis, etc.) has, as its sole purpose, the creation of an executable. You can run all available
executables by using the appropriate shell script from the appropriate version of the code.
These shell scripts are located in the bin subdirectory of the directory where the rest of the
code is compiled.
In the example given above:
All the scripts are located in:
To determine what scripts are available, enter:
ls ${BUILDS}/rh9_gcc32/GlastRelease/GlastRelease-v5r0p2/bin
You will get a listing that may look something like:
FluxDisplayTest |
byId_test |
rootplots |
test_AcdDigi |
Gleam |
entity_test |
run_classification |
test_AcdRecon |
GuiTest |
eval |
test |
test_AcdUtil |
RootDisplayTest |
fastFilter |
testDocMan |
test_AnalysisNtuple |
TestDetDisplay |
forDoc |
testGUI |
test_CRflux |
add_meta |
forProg |
testId |
test_CalDigi |
arith_test |
merit_app |
testKey |
test_CalRecon |
Note: Ignore all of the test scripts. |
To execute Gleam, enter:
After Gleam executes, you should see something similar to:

Related Topics:
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
08/29/2005 |