CalTupleAlg generates CalTuple entries from TDS digi data. Current entries include:
- CalXtalAdcPed[16][8][12][2]:
Pedestal subtracted ADC values per channel. (BESTRANGE) |
- CalXtalAdcRng[16][8][12][2]:
ADC range selection per channel. |
- CalXtalFaceSignal[16][8][12][2]:
Signal at each crystal face in units of MeV deposited at center of xtal. |
Each of the above branches is a multi-dimensional array matching CAL geometry ([16][8][12][2], respectively representing tower, layer, xtal, and xtal face).
- CalXtalAdcPedAllRange[16][8][12][2][4]:
Pedestal subtracted ADC values for all ADC channels (may be zero if data is not available).
Shape is [16][8][12][2][4].
(Last index represents ADC range.) |
- CalXtalFaceSignalAllRange[16][8][12][2][4]:
Face signal for all ADC channels.
(May be zero if data is not available).
Shape is [16][8][12][2][4].
(Last index represents ADC range.) |
Override name of CalTuple tree.
(default is "CalTuple") |
- CalTupleAlg.tupleFilename
Optional name of CalTuple file.
Instructs ntupleWriterSvc to create CalTuple in it's own file instead of sharing the default file with other modules.
(default ("") will use the shared file) |
Specifies which ICalCalibSvcobject should be used byCalTupleAlg.
(default is "CalCalibSvc") |
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 11/05/2007 |