Confluence: The Fermi LAT Wiki
Confluence is a server-based, knowledge management tool that enables you, as the subject matter expert, to access, create, and edit content (using the wiki markup language) for web pages using your browser.
- To gain access to Confluence, see Confluence/JIRA Login Procedures.
Note: For more information on JIRA, see JIRA: Bug Tracking in GLAST.
Once you have access to Confluence:
- Go to the Fermi LAT's Confluence Home page.
Observe that Recently Updated pages are listed in the column on the right.
- In the upper right corner, look for:

Log in using your JIRA login and password, or your SLAC UNIX (or Windows) login and password.
CAUTION: Always turn on "Remember my login on this computer" when logging in to Confluence. If you are interrupted while editing a document and have not turned it on, your session may time out and all work will be lost.
Browsing in Confluence:
In Confluence, each section of the website allocated to an individual or team is referred to as a "Space" and is listed on the Dashboard page.
- On GLAST Confluence website's Dashboard page, click on LAT Science Groups.
A page similar to the following will be displayed; Note the " Location" navigation bar located near the top of the page . This bar will appear at the top of every page you visit and provides a convenient means of navigating to the next highest level in a given navigation tree, with the highest level being the Dashboard.
Tip: Toggle the menu tree on the left side of the page using the on/off toggle button to the left of the search box at the top of the page: |
Also check the functions on the dropdown menus next to the icons, e.g., the icons on the Tools menu that respectively enable you to add this page to your favorites list, or to receive an email notification of changes to the page.
You can also edit the current page by clicking on the Edit tab or, by clicking on the Add Page, you can add (i.e., create a child) a new page. Similarly, you can also Add News regarding this page. Children of this page are listed at the bottom of the page; note that, at the bottom of the page, you can also Add a comment concerning this page.

Editing a Page using the Wiki Markup Language
- To access pages you've created and wish to change, click on Pages in the Location navigation bar at the top of the page, or on the Dashboard's Browse Pages icon.
- Select the page you wish to edit.
- In the Page Operations column, click on Edit Page
Note: A list of Help Tips is provided to the right of the wiki markup pane. A link is also provided to the full notation guide.
- Update often to save your work.
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
04/25/2011 |