Running Application Executables
on SLAC Public Using FRED
- Login to SLAC Public. (Be sure you are logging in to noric.)
Note: If you are running on a Windows machine, be sure to launch your X-server (e.g., X-Win32 v 6.0, or higher); it must be running in the background. (See Basic Prerequisites: X-server.)
- Change to your working directory. (Refer to SLAC's Public Installation: Making a User Directory.)
- In your working directory, create a subdirectory and name it: fredWorking
- In fredWorking, create a file and name it:
This file contains the CMTPATH for the GlastRelease you wish to run.
For Example:
export CMTPATH
- In your working directory, create another file and name it: jobOptions.txt
This file contains the job options you want to run.
- Do not place a semicolon (;) after the include statements.
- You must have a semicolon after all other statements.
For example:
// Job options file for Gleam job
// $Header: /nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs/Gleam/src/jobOptions.txt,v 1.11 2004/09
//12 22:07:30 burnett Exp $
#include "$GLEAMROOT/src/basicOptions.txt"
#include "$GLEAMROOT/src/fredOptions.txt"
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "RootIoSvc", "RootTupleSvc" };
FluxSvc.source_lib = {"/nfs/farm/g/glast/u11/RunsSpring2004/AllGamma-v4r3p1/bin/source_library.xml"};
FluxAlg.source_name = "all_gamma_180GeV";
mcRootWriterAlg.mcRootFile ="mcRootTest02162005";
digiRootWriterAlg.digiRootFile ="digiRootTest02162005";
reconRootWriterAlg.reconRootFile ="reconRootTest02162005";
RootTupleSvc.filename = "meritRootTest02162005";
GlastRandomSvc.RunNumber = 4;
// ----------------------------
// Output
ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "ntupleWriterSvc", "RootHistCnv"};
ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT";
// Turn off output:
Output.Members = {};
ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1000000000;
// End of job options file
- To start FRED, enter: fred
The Fred - Fox and Ruby Event Display will appear.
- Click on
, to open the GLAST panel (Tools --> Glast panel).
The GLAST Panel will be displayed:

- Fill in the appropriate path for each field shown above as follow:
Note: The following example assumes that you have set up "fredWorking" as a subdirectory in "yourDirectory".
Personal setup:
GAUDI package setup:
GAUDI package executable:
GAUDI jobOptions file:
Working dir:
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Run button.
The Abort Panel will be displayed. |
Tip: A bash window will also be opened; however, it may be minimized. It is recommended that you monitor the bash window so you can follow the progress of the job. At the time of this writing if there is06/29/2007d click on the Abort button.

- When the job has completed, you will see the line "I've just given to Fred, v1.0 an HepRep object", and a red "Stop" button and three arrows will appear in the FRED GUI:
- Click on the arrow pointing to the right (i.e., the "Next Event" arrow).
Observe that there is a slight del06/29/2007r to the following will be displayed in the 3D Viewer.
- To stop running this executable, click on the red "Stop" button.
The image in the 3D Viewer will disappear.
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
01/13/2006 |