Running FRED on Desktop,
Gleam on SLAC Public
This procedure enables you to run Gleam on a remote server (e.g., noric on SLAC Public)
and - at the same time - run FRED locally on your desktop with both machines communicating
over the network via a Corba connection.
- Ruby v1.8.1 or higher is installed on your computer
Tip: |
If you have successfully run Gleam on SLAC Public using FRED, you can point to the same files you created and then pointed to when you configured the Fred GLAST Panel (see Running Application Executables on SLAC Public Using FRED). Those files include the following :
- Personal setup (
- GAUDI package setup (
- GAUDI jobOptions (jobOptions.txt)
IMPORTANT! This time, however, you will be pointing to those same files when you edit the FredRemoteServerScript file (glastdrs.rb) which you will have copied to your work directory during this procedure.
If you do use the same files, be sure to use the same GAUDI package executable so everything is compatible. |
- Login to SLAC Public. (Be sure you are logging in to noric.)
Note: If running on Windows, be sure to launch your X-server
(e.g., X-Win32 v 6.0, or higher); it must be running in the background.
On SLAC Public:
Note: The following examples assume that you have set up "fredWorking" as a
subdirectory in "yourDirectory".
- Change to your work directory
(e.g., /nfs/farm/g/glast/u33/yourDirectory/fredWorking).
Note: If you want Gleam output files stored to a special subdirectory, create it now
(e.g., fredJobsWkg).
- Create a jobOptions.txt file containing the job options you want to run:
(e.g., jobOptions.txt).
Note: To prevent Fred from starting up on SLAC Public, add the following line to the jobOptions.txt file that you supply:
- Create your personalSetup file and name it:
For example:
export CMTPATH
- Copy the file glastdrs.rb to your yourDirectory by entering:
cp /nfs/slac/g/svac/common/builds/Fred/RemoteServerScript/glastdrs.rb .
Note: Don't forget the period.
- Edit glastdrs.rb as follows:
- Change jobOptions to point to your jobOptions.txt file.
For example:
- Change workingDir to point to the directory you want Gleam output files stored.
For example:
- Change the personalSetup to point to the file created in step 4.
For example:
- Change the packageSetup to point to the cmt-produced setup file.
For example:
Note: The line shown above is wrapped.
Tip: |
To find the correct Gleam version, first enter:
cd /nfs/farm/g/glast/u30/builds/rh9_gcc32opt/GlastRelease/
Then enter: dir
The correct version of Gleam will be displayed. |
- Change the packageExe to point to the Gleam.exe you wish to run.
For example:
Note: The line shown above is wrapped when it should be continuous
(i.e., /GlastRelease-v5r1/Gleam...).
- Get - and make a note of - the IP address of your noric machine by entering:
nslookup $HOST
The name and address of the noric server will be displayed similar to:
- Be sure you are in the directory containing your modified version of glastdrs.rb
(e.g., in fredWorking, and from the command line, enter:
ruby glastdrs.rb
On Your Desktop:
- Start FRED.
The Fred - Fox and Ruby Event Display will appear.
- Click on
, to open the GLAST panel (Tools --> Glast panel).
When the Fred GLAST Panel is displayed:

- Select the Remote (DRB) tab.
- Fill in the Server address you made note of in step 8, above, followed by :9000.
For example:
- Click on the Connect button.
The following message will be displayed in your ssh window:
"Waiting for the ior file to be produced"
and a bash window will be opened on your desktop; however, it may be minimized or hidden behind another window. It is recommended that you monitor the bash window so you can follow the progress of the job. At the time of this writing if there is an error, this window closes automatically and you should abort the operation.

- When the job has completed, you will see the line
"I've just given to Fred, v1.0 an HepRep object"
and a red "Stop" button and three arrows will appear in the FRED GUI:
- Click on the arrow pointing to the right (i.e., the "Next Event" arrow).
Observe that there is a slight delay as the event is processed, after which an image
similar to the following will be displayed in the 3D Viewer. You can now view the rest of the events and manipulate the images on your local machine using the rest of FRED's event-viewing capabilities. (See the FRED Tutorial.)
Shutting Down
- To save the Server address on the Fred GLAST Panel GUI, click on the Save button.
Click on the Close button to close the GUI.
- To stop running this executable on FRED, click on the red Stop button.
The image in the 3D Viewer will disappear.
To stop the glastdrs.rb script running on the SLAC Public machine, move to your ssh window and use: Ctrl C
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson