Data Access Help: Astro Server
The Astro Server allows you to efficiently do region of the sky searches based on time, region of interest, energy and class level. This server is similar to the FT1 skimmer, but is much more efficient for the searches it supports. See: Comparison: Merit Skimmer, Fits Skimmer, and Astro Server.
The Astro Server's "Request" GUI enables you to select from multiple "Event Samples" [currently from P6_public_v1 or P6_v1_survey_evtClass], and you can select the event data based on any combination of:
- Position in sky (ra, dec, radius)
Note: Position can be looked up in SIMBAD catalog.
- Event Class (transient, source, diffuse) – See: Introduction to the Standard Analysis of LAT Data: Photon Classification.
You can also select any, or all, of the following outputs:
Web Interface: Astro Server
From the Data Portal, click on the Astro Server tab. The Astro Server Request GUI will be displayed:
- Caution: Maximum energy is required by the likelihood tool, so if you do not specify it here, you will have to postprocess the Astro Server's output file using gtselect, which requires maximum energy to be specified, before running the likelihood.
- Enter position or source; you don't need both. If you do enter both, source overrides position.
- Warning! Expert options are intended for expert users (normally developers) only in that they allow you to apply cuts that may make the response functions invalid.
- At the time this was written, the Astro Server failed if the job name contained a space.

Astro job submitted
Your job pyLike-6mos-chuckp-Astro-000XX has been submitted.
Your data wil be available for download from
You will be sent an e-mail at <your e-mail address> when your job has completed.
You can monitor your job's progress using the Pipeline
Example: e-mail notification |
Dear chuckp,
Job AstroServerTutorial has finished. Results are in:
You can reach your data via ftp:
Please use: or reply to this e-mail with any concerns/suggestions.
You are also encouraged to file a bug/improvement request in Jira.
Sincerely Yours,
DataPortal server
equates to: /nfs/farm/g/glast/u53/DataServer/your_jobNumber. |
Retrieve the Data
Caution! Take care to download or copy your own data; these files can be quite large.
Depending on your work environment, you can retrieve the data by either:
- Clicking on the ftp link included in the email.
A page similar to the following will be displayed:

Then clicking on the ftp links of the files you wish to download.
- Copying the files using the equivalent path to the DataServer shown above.
For example, from your work directory on SLAC Public, you could enter the following command:
cp /nfs/farm/g/glast/u53/DataServer/yourJobNumber/*.* .
Owned by: Tony Johnson |
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
05/20/2011 |