Setting up MRvcmt Options (Desktop Machine)
This procedure details how to set up MRvcmt options when all source code and external libraries have been installed on your desktop machine.
Note: Example Commands and Responses assume the Windows platform. On Linux, delimiters within file paths should, as usual, be forward slashes (/).
CMT Options
- From the MRvcmt menubar, select:
- Then select:
Cmt options
The "cmt options" dialog window will pop up. You will need to define two types of paths:
- The first type points to the directory where source code is located.
- The second type is a path pointing to the directory in your CMT installation containing the cmt.exe.
- To point to the directory where the source code is located:
- Double-click in the Paths text box.
- Enter the path to the directory of the package that you downloaded, e.g., c:\glast\packages\GlastRelease\GlastRelease-v7r0p3.
If you wish to save this path to a file, click on the Save path button and enter the name of the file you wish the path to be saved as. (In this example, the path to GlastRelease-v7r0p3 was saved in the path_GR-v7r0p3 file and saved to the c:\GLAST\tools\MRvcmt\v0r20 directory.)

- Creating a new path:
You can create paths to additional packages here by simply double-clicking in a blank area in the Paths text box to access another data entry field, entering the new path, and - if you wish - saving to a new filename.

or |
You can change an existing path displayed in the data entry field by double-clicking on the path you wish to change in the Paths panel and typing the changes.
- Selecting a different Path:
You can check the "from CMTPATH file" box and use the browse button to find a previously created Path file on your drive.
or |
- You can check the "from environment" box.
Note: For this option, be sure that you've set up your environment variable.
- To define the path pointing to the cmt.exe:

- Specify the root directory where CMT has been installed, e.g., \glast\tools.
- Specify the version of CMT you wish to use, e.g., v1r16p20040701.
- Specify the CMTCONFIG, e.g., rh9_gcc32, rh9_gc32opt, or VC8debug.
Note: Linux versions = rh9_gcc32 (with debugger and rh9_gcc32opt (without debugger); VC8debug is the Windows version.
- Click "Apply".
- To verify that everything is set up correctly, check the "CMT status" box.
The full path to your CMT executable should be displayed in green; if it is not, recheck your selections and entries.
Troubleshooting Tip: If you and have included a trailing '\' on the root location for CMT and are getting the message "CMT path not found" for all of your setups, try removing the trailing '\'.
- Close the dialog window.
All CMTPATH directories should now be displayed in the Package Tree:

Note: The CMT options will be saved for future MRvcmt sessions, and you will be able to update them at any time using the CMT option panel.
Other Options
Specify the Editor
- Under the "Options" menu, select:
The MRvcmt Preferences dialog box will pop up.
- Specify the editor you wish to use to open files in MRvcmt.

Tip - For Linux Machines Only: All files will be opened in the same emacs instance if you specifiy (as editor):
emacsclient +%1 %f
and if, in your .emacs file, you put the line:
Activating CVS Parsing
If you wish to activate CVS parsing of files in the packages, check the "Enable CVS parsing of files" box.
Note: By selecting this option, colored icons associated with files will be visible in the Package Browser widget. These are described in the following section. (This feature can be useful, but does have a small impact on performance.)
Related Topics
Also See:
Owned by:
Riccardo Giannitrapani
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
11/02/2006 |