Release Manager: Builds
There are four types of RM builds, each triggered as shown:
Triggered by: |
- Release
Linux = optimized; unoptimized
Windows = optimized; unoptimized
Tagging a checkout package in CVS.
unoptimized only (both Linux and Windows)
Updating the requirements file for a checkout package. |
unoptimized only (both Linux and Windows)
Tagging a constituent of a checkout package in CVS. |
Manually assigning a tag number and version.
See Trigger (manual builds). |
Note: As opposed to updating the requirements file for a checkout package or tagging a constituent of a checkout package, promoting a package to HEAD or LATEST can be done in a more controlled manner using the Tag Collector, located on the Red-Dot Summary page. (See Tag Collector.)
Accessing Checkout Packages and Builds
From the RM Overview page, in additon to viewing the status of the compilers under Release Manager Status, you can also access checkout packages, builds, and information about each build and about the constituent packages of that build.
Checkout Packages
RM-tracked Checkout Packages (i.e.,Tagged Release builds) come in one of four flavors:
- Red-Dot Summary. After selecting one of the above links, a link to the Red-Dot Summary for the current version of that release appears on the blue navbar:

- Tag Collector. The Tag Collector is located at the bottom of the Red-Dot Summary page. LATEST and HEAD builds can also be initiated from the Tag Collector when using it to promote a package to LATEST or HEAD build status. (See Tag Collector.)
- Summary Page. To access the Summary Page for a specific tagged release (after you have selected EngineeringModel, GlastRelease, or ScienceTools), click on the the release version you are interested in, e.g., GlastRelease v7r0p3 (VC8debug).
From the Summary Page, you can access:
Build Summary. You can also access detailed Build Summaries for each constituent package included in a specific build from the Summary Page, or from the Checkout Packages List by clicking on the results in the Checkout, Compile, or Unit Test column:
Log Files:
From the detailed Build Summary, you can access the log files for specific packages and for specific test results for that package by clicking on the package name (e.g., LdfConverter) to access the links to the:
or you can click on the:
- Pass or Fail messages in the Checkout, Compile, and Test columns in the detailed Build Summmary to respectively access the checkout.txt, compile.txt, and test_LdfConverter.exe.txt logs directly.
Currently Running and Recently Finished Builds
Immediately following the links to RM-tracked Checkout packages on the RM's Overview page, you can view:
- To Hide a build that is considered bad, click on the corresponding "Hide" button in the right-most column. These builds will be hidden from others unless they specifically request to see them by clicking on the "View Hidden" yes/no toggle located just beneath the blue navbar at the top of the page.
- To access a Summary Page for Currently Running or Recently Finished builds, click on the Package (e.g., ScienceTools) in the row corresponding to the version and tag you are interested in.
Trigger (manual and HEAD builds)

The Trigger link found in the navbar located at the top of each of the RM's pages opens a page from which you can trigger a manual build when you want to trigger a particular package-version-tag combination. This trigger method is normally used when the RM does not trigger a build by default (e.g., an optimized HEAD build).
Also see: Tag Collector, located on the Red-Dot Summary page.
Note: Packages can be promoted to LATEST or HEAD builds from the Tag Collector.
To trigger a manual build from the Trigger page:
- Click on the Trigger link at the top of the RM's overview page.
The following data entry fields will be displayed:
- Enter the name of the package.
- Enter the version number in the format
v_r_p_ (where v = version, r = revision,
and p = patch).
- Enter the Tag(s), i.e., specify the compiler(s) you want to perform the build (rh9_gcc32, rh9_gcc32opt, VC8, VC8debug)
- Click on the Trigger button to initiate the build.
To trigger a HEAD build from the Trigger page:
- Click on the Trigger link at the top of the RM's overview page.
The following data entry fields will be displayed:
- Enter the name of the package.
- Enter the version number, e.g., 1.631, where 1.631 corresponds to the version of the requirements file of the checkout package (EngineeringModel, GlastRelease, or ScienceTools).
- Enter the Tag(s), i.e., specify the compiler(s) you want to perform the build (rh9_gcc32, rh9_gcc32opt, VC8, VC8debug).
- Click on the Trigger button to initiate the build.
Delete Part(s) of a Build
The Delete link found in the navbar located at the top of each of the RM's pages opens a page from which you can selectively delete builds, or different components of a build.
To make selective deletions:
- Click on the Delete link at the top of the RM's overview page.
The following fields will be displayed:
- Select the items and/or specify the parameters of versions you wish to delete.
- Click on the Delete button.
Useful Links
- Doxygen output (for the latest version) of:
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
04/13/2006 |