Measuring Energy Deposit in the CAL

Note: Three methods are used to measure the energy deposit in the calorimeter:
- Parametric Correction (can be used for any track).
- Use the tracks to characterize the shower by:
- Position, angle
- Radiation lengths traversed
- Proximity to gaps
- Correct "raw" energy.
- "Likelihood" (limited energy and angular range).
- Uses the relation between energy deposit in the last layer and in the rest of the shower.
Note: Below ~50 GeV, last-layer energy is proportional to the leaked energy.
- Profile Fitting (limited angular range).
- Fit layer-by-layer deposit to shower shape.
Note: Best if shower peak is contained in the calorimeter.
Choose the best answer (based on the expected error for each of the three).
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson
03/09/2009 |