Release Tools: Overview

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Created to support the new SCons build tool, SAS Software's new suite of release tools include the:

  • RMViewer
  • Release Manager
  • GLAST Installer (Linux and Windows)
  • Command Line Installer (Linux only)

Environment Variables: One advantage of SCons builds is that only two environment variables are required:


See Examples: Setup Scripts for Running SCons-built ScienceTools Executables.


While you can obtain binaries and code using any of the above tools, their functionality is different, and the information provided by each tool varies. To download ScienceTools releases, for example, most users will find the GLAST Installer or the Command Line Installer most convenient.

Package Selections. Regardless of the method used to obtain the software, however, all downloads must specify the:

  • Package
    • ScienceTools or
    • GlastRelease)
  • Version Type
    • Release
    • Release Candidate (i.e., Head)
    • Integration (i.e., Latest)
  • Version (e.g., 09-17-00)
  • Variant (Debug or Optimized)
  • Operating System (e.g., Windows-i386-32bit-VC71)
  • Release Type
    • Developer (installs the source code and binaries; intended for active developers)
    • Source (installs source code only; use if you just want to build the software)
    • User (installs the binaries; intended for users want only to run the software)

Note: Developer Releases provide all source and associated files required for rebuilding and debugging the code as necessary, as well as all installed files created when the release is built. These may be obtained using RMViewer, the GLAST (GUI) Installer, or the Command Line Installer.

Differences: There is a slight difference in the way the different installers operate in that the:

  • GLAST Installer will create a subdirectory of the directory you specify named after the release (e.g., ScienceTools-3153 for LATEST build 3153) and install there.
  • RMViewer and the Command Line Installer install directly in the directory specified.
  • To set up the external libraries on a desktop, the gui and command line installers will by default download any external libraries you don't already have in your externals area; you may override the default if you wish. RMViewer has separate menu items for downloading release and downloading externals required by that release.


You can also download developer or source code releases as well as end-user releases using the stand-alone application RMViewer, which can be downloaded to your desktop or laptop. (See the RMViewer Users Guide.)

Installer Releases

End-user releases of ScienceTools provide all the binaries and associated files required for running ScienceTools applications.


  • At this time (July 22, 2010), SCons end-user ScienceTools releases are available for download; SCons GlastRelease releases are not. When GlastRelease end-user release builds are available, the comments for ScienceTools will also apply to GlastRelease.

Release Manager Builds and Directory Structure

End-users can also obtain binaries and developers can obtain the code using the Release Manager. The Release Manager web interface also lists available build versions and status information.

Directory Structure

Builds for the various operating systems are located in their respective subdirectories of the ReleaseManagerBuild directory:


For example, at the time of this writing (July 22, 2010), these subdirectories included:

Note: The last redhat3 builds were made in February, 2010. SLAC will discontinue all redhat3 support in October, 2010.

Within each of these subdirectories are two subdirectories:

Debug       Optimized

So..., the full path to the ScienceTools-09-17-00 build for redhat5-i686-32bit-gcc41 optimized would be:


The directory contents of the corresponding redhat5 build are:


External Libraries: Directory Structure

Directory structures for the external libraries include the compiler in their path.  For example, CLHEP's include and lib directories are in:


The external libraries are installed at SLAC, and are available for build types as follows:





Examples: Setup Scripts for Running SCons-built ScienceTools Executables

Environment Variables. The correct values for GLAST_EXT and INST_DIR are determined by:

  • Where you are running (e.g., SLAC, desktop, etc.)
  • Platform (e.g. redhat5)
  • Release (e.g., ScienceTools-09-15-05)
  • Debug or optimized (if using RM build at SLAC)

Variants. When performing an SCons build, binaries for different platforms can be created from the same source. The variant fully identifies the binary type (OS, compiler, debug or optimized). Typical values are redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34-Optimized and XP-i386-32bit-vc71-Debug.

Note: Depending on context, variant may have a different meaning. For example, the command line installer uses the term variant when referring to the choice between debug and optimized

Run Mode. Which mode will you run in: using wrapper scripts or single setup, after which you may run the executables directly? Wrapper scripts may be found under INST_DIR/bin/variant, and the actual executables are under INST_DIR/exe/variant.

Example: C Shell

Example: Bash Shell

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 12/13/2010