QGSP_BERT and QGSP_BERT_EMV (see and recommending physics lists)
Like QGSP, but using Geant4 Bertini cascade for primary protons, neutrons, pions
and Kaons below ~10GeV.
In comparison to experimental data we find improved agreement to data compared
to QGSP which uses the low energy parameterised (LEP) model for all particles at
these energies.
The Bertini model produces more secondary neutrons and protons than the LEP
model, yielding a better agreement to experimental data.
QGSP_BERT_EMV is like QGSP_BERT, but parameters of electromagnetic processes
tuned to yield better cpu performance with only slightly less precision.
Both QGSP_BERT and QGSP_BERT_EMV are less CPU performant as QGSP.