Geant4 LHEP_BERT hadronic model
The LHEP Physics lists are based on a parametrised modeling for all hadronic
interactions for all particles. The parametrised model is an improved version
of the Gheisha model. These lists combine the high energy parameterised
(HEP) and low energy parameterised (LEP) models describing
inelastic interactions for all hadrons. The modeling of elastic
scattering off a nucleus and of capture of negative stopped particles
and neutrons proceeds via parameterised models.
Cross sections used are based on Gheisha parameterisations.
There are several variants adding specific model variants:
This is the main LHEP based physics list, using exclusively parameterised
modeling. In addition to the above, standard electromagnetic physics options
are used.
This physics list is in use in high energy experiments for shower simulations.
Similar to LHEP, with the exception of parameters of electromagnetic processes
tuned to yield better cpu performance with only slightly less precision.
In addition, the nuclear capture of negative particles and neutrons at rest
is modeled using the modeling of the Chiral Invariant Phase Space (CHIPS) model.
For shower simulation is high energy physics experiments, this list provides
similar physics results as LHEP.
- Plots : neutrons Enegy and positions for each process