======================== The configuration module ======================== This configuration module (called cmod) is dedicated to configuration storage and export. Every Pyrame module can register in the cmod and store its configuration parameters. The modules are stored in a tree representing the arborescence of the system. The cmod contains at any time a copy of the configuration of all the modules and it can generate xml files containing all the parameters to be used with :doc:`calxml `. API === .. automodule:: cmd_cmod :members: :member-order: bysource How to use it? ============== First load the configuration file with *load_config_cmod*. Then use *transition_cmod* to make the state machine do a transition. How does it works? ================== The module uses the following algorithm to parse the configuration and apply phases. Every time a new module instance is found while parsing, the module: - searches in the module API for the name phasename_modulename - gets the parameters name of this function - gets the parameters values from the xml configuration or from the defaults file. - executes the function on the corresponding module with the parameters - continues with all the child modules - searches in the module API for the name phasename_fin_modulename - executes the function on the corresponding module with the parameters As you can see, two different functions are called for every module: one when the module is first found and another after finding all its child modules. Example ======= Imagine we want to initialize a setup with a network switch and two connected cards. We have to initialize the switch with its port number as a parameter, then set the ip address for the two cards and finally calculate the MAC table on the switch. We will implement three functions. .. code-block:: python def init_switch(switch_nb_port): init_ports(nb_port) def init_nic(nic_ip): setup_ip(nic_ip) def init_fin_switch(): calc_mac_table() Then create an xml file like this: .. code-block:: xml 6 When the init phase is applied, these functions will be called in this order: - init_switch("6") - init_nic("") - init_nic("") - init_fin_switch() Note that all parameters are strings. If a function does not exists (like init_fin_nic in the example), it is simply ignored.