========== Manual run ========== The procedure describe here is equivalent to what is done using pycaldaq scripts but in the command line. The first thing to do is to load the configuration you have built in the :doc:`config section `. .. code:: bash load_config_file.sh /opt/calicoes/config/ecal.xml After loading the configuration, you have to initialize the system. In this phase, no communication will be done with the hardware, it is just to initialize and fill the memory structure of the software. .. code:: bash initialize.sh One the system is initialized, you can configure it. .. code:: bash configure.sh This phase is typically the one where problems occurs. If it is the case, reset your hardware, check your configuration file and try again. After the configuration, the system is ready for data acquisition. At this point we can proceed in two ways: - Using the `Run Control `_ and the `RunDB `_ - Bypassing both The first mode is the preferred one. Bypassing those high-level modules can be useful for debugging purposes but a deep knowledge of the Pyrame and Calicoes is required. To use the Run Control, use the commands `start_run.sh` and `stop_run.sh`. The start_run command takes as a parameter the name of the run. It can contain slashes so that folders are created in the destination datadir. You can start and stop a run that will be stored in `/home/data/myrun/data_...` with the following commands: .. code:: bash start_run.sh myrun/data stop_run.sh I the run already exists, an error will be returned. A second argument of `start_run.sh` (remove or append) allows to overwrite existing runs with the same name: .. code:: bash start_run.sh myrun/data remove To bypass the Run Control, use the commands `startacq.sh` and `stopacq.sh`. The startacq transition takes as a parameter the name of the run. Because we are bypassing the RunDB, the data destination will be `/home/data/nodb` by default. The following command will store the data at `/home/data/nodb/today/mytest_...`. .. code:: bash startacq.sh today/mytest A second, optional, argument of startacq.sh allows to modify the datadir: .. code:: bash startacq.sh today/mytest /tmp This is the fun time. You can verify that data are arriving by looking in the /opt/calicoes/raw_data folder and seeing if the running_* files size increase. If it is not the case, check that your spill pattern generator is well configured. In our example, you can also check the actually used configuration at `/home/data/nodb/today/mytest.xml`. When you have enough data, you can stop the run. .. code:: bash stopacq.sh The file `/home/data/nodb/today/mytest.log` contains the timing and the statistics of your run. If you want to load another configuration, you can simply invalidate the configuration and deinitialize the system and then cycle again. .. code:: bash invalidate.sh deinitialize.sh load_config_file.sh /opt/calicoes/config/newconfig.xml initialize.sh configure.sh ... You can also want to make just a little change on your system like changing the trigger threshold level and run again. In that case, just after the startacq, you can use the reconfigure transition to do that. Here is an example: .. code:: bash reconfigure.sh skiroc_1_1_1_1 set_gtrigger_skiroc 170 You are then ready to start a new acquisition .. code:: bash startacq.sh run_thres_170 For more information on the Calicoes scripting, please see the :doc:`Pycaldaq section `